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Best Types of Children's Furniture



You want the best for your kids, and when you shop for kids' furniture, you want to spend your money wisely. Consider the different types of furniture available before you shop to make sure you end up with things they love and you'll be glad to have.

Best Children's Furniture:

  1. Pieces that are just their size: In a world of larger-than-life furniture, things that are your child's size are appreciated. A table and chair set is perfect for a playroom or a corner of the family room. He won't need a booster seat to reach the tabletop, and you won't have to worry about him falling from a tall chair. They're perfect for meals, arts and crafts, and play time.

  2. Pieces that pull double-duty: Your child is busy from the time he wakes up to the moment he drops off to sleep, so it helps if his furniture can keep up with all of his activities. Beds, tables, and benches that include storage are perfect. Hide-away baskets and drawers offer extra places to keep toys and games off the floor. Loft beds with a desk, a couch, or just a hiding place on the lower level would also make the most of your space while giving children something they can use.

  3. Pieces that help them show off their individuality: Kids love to have place where they can display their art, their favorite collectibles, and photographs of their friends and family. Adding a bookcase to a child's bedroom is a smart move. You'll help to foster a love of reading if you make sure their favorite books are within reach. In addition to stocking the bookcase with books, your child can also proudly display awards and trophies.

  4. Pieces that are fun: From beds that look like race cars to dressers that have cute drawer pulls, kids love objects that are playful. Bean bag chairs are great because they come in bright colors and fun designs, and they're easy to move around. A bean bag chair is a perfect place for kids to sit quietly and read.

  5. Pieces that grow with them: They grow so fast, so it helps if their furniture can grow, too. Convertible cribs change into toddler beds and sometimes even daybeds, giving you years of use. Dressers that start out as changing tables are also handy to have years after your child has grown out of diapers.

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