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Tips on Organizing a Small Kitchen

by Diane Todd

Small kitchen

When you are short on space, storage and organization are vital. This statement is especially true when it comes to your kitchen. Keeping this area free from clutter and designating appropriate places for all your cooking supplies will help you maintain an efficient workspace that is easy to use and easy to clean every day. There are many tips you can use to make the most of a small kitchen.

What You Need to Know:

  1. Purge your supplies. The first step to maintaining any kind of storage and organization system is to go through what you have and get rid of what you don't need. You may find that you have more than one of some things, which is a common way to eat up precious space. If you have gadgets or dishes you were given as gifts but haven't used in over a year, this would be a good time to find them a new home.

  2. Keep supplies where you use them. You will work more efficiently if everything is stored where it is used most. Drinking glasses should go above the sink. Pots and pans should live next to the stove. Spices and measuring cups are best placed over the countertop where you prepare meals. Consider moving supplies that rarely get used, such as serving trays or formal settings, to another space in your home, like a storage closet.

  3. Think up. When space is a commodity, make more by using the area above your head. Build high shelves to store dishes and cookware. Use the tops of cupboards for more storage. Try suspending your microwave from underneath a cupboard to give you more room on your countertops. You can even purchase small, raised independent shelves that are made to be placed on top of existing shelves or countertops. These space-makers double your storage area.

  4. Use hooks and hangers. Hanging tools make these items easy to reach and offers you more storage in your cupboards for other things. Just make sure these items are completely dry before you put them away; otherwise, you may have water dripping on your floor.

  5. Storage on a door. Don't forget the inside of doors for small-item storage of foods or plastic wear. You can get shelving devices that hang over the tops of doors. These shelves hold items on the inside of a cupboard or pantry door, a space that is normally wasted.

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