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How to Choose an Eco-friendly Bath Mat

by Amanda Mears

Teak wood bath mats help the environment

Going green can extend into every corner of your home -- even to your bath mat. Bathroom rugs are great at absorbing excess water, but these mats are often made from synthetic materials and can harbor mold and bacteria. For allergy suffers, this mildew can be especially harmful and usually results in frequent bath rug replacement. Environmentally-friendly bath rugs can be just as effective as standard rugs, with minimal impact on our ecosystem. Keep reading to learn how to choose an eco-friendly bath mat that is both stylish and green.

Choosing Eco-friendly Bath Mats:

  1. Teak wood. Wooden bath mats give your bathroom a spa-like feel and are surprisingly comfortable for use post-shower or bath. Teak is a tropical hardwood that is commonly used for bath mats because of its pliability and deep amber color. Teak wood bath mats provide firm yet flexible platforms that dry quickly and are more durable than synthetic bath mats made from nylon. Teak bath mats perfectly complement contemporary bathrooms because of their simple silhouette and rich color.

  2. Organic cotton. If you prefer the look and feel of standard cotton bath mats, try upgrading to something a little more environmentally conscious with organic cotton bath rugs. Organic cotton is made from non-genetically modified plants and is grown without the use of harsh pesticides. Bamboo cotton is another sustainable bath mat option that works well in any bathroom. Since organic and bamboo cotton bath mats come in multiple colors, it's simple to coordinate these eco-friendly bath rugs with your existing decor.

  3. Cork. Naturally anti-fungal, cork bath mats dry quickly and provide a non-slip surface. Their hypoallergenic properties mean people who suffer from allergies won't ever have to worry about the growth of mold. Cork is also naturally pliable, with means it can reduce back and leg fatigue when used for long periods of time. Cork bath mats have a utilitarian appearance and fit best with simple bathroom decor. Lightweight cork mats never need to be washed and can easily be moved around to other spots in your house, such as in front of the kitchen sink, when you need a cushioned place to stand.

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