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Best Clothes to Pack for a Weekend Trip

by Andrea Sparks

Couple taking a weekend trip together

Getting away for the weekend is the perfect way to take a break and relieve some stress. Planning the trip, however, can sometimes do just the opposite. Take some of the stress out of planning your next short vacation, whether it's camping in the mountains or taking in some urban sights, with this guide to the best clothes and shoes to pack for your little getaway.

What to Pack for a Weekend Trip:

  1. Wardrobe basics: Start by packing a basic outfit for each day you will be away. Shirts, pants, socks and underwear are necessities wherever you are and should be the basis for your vacation wardrobe. Make sure you pack both short-sleeve and long-sleeve shirts, and add some extra socks and underwear to your suitcase to be safe. Think about your destination and pack appropriately. A pair of black slacks may be great for the city but not for the campground.

  2. Warm jacket: Cold and wet weather can strike at any time, but it doesn't have to ruin your vacation. Be prepared for it, even if the weather forecast is full of sunny skies, by packing a warm jacket in your luggage. If you're roughing it, you may want to take a couple jackets that you can layer when the temperature drops at night. Even if it doesn't rain, or you're not spending the night in the great outdoors, you may want a light jacket for the evening.

  3. Something nice: Chances are that you'll spend some time going to dinner, to the movies or even to a show at the local theater over the weekend. Dress up a little by packing something nicer than your everyday apparel. A simple dress or sports jacket should be sufficient unless your plans take you to more formal events. In that case, an evening dress or a suit should be packed in a garment bag that prevents wrinkling.

  4. Sportswear: Whether you're spending your weekend hiking in nature, playing volleyball on the beach or just fitting in a quick morning jog before you hit the city, you'll want the right clothes to keep you comfortable while you're active. If you really plan on working up a sweat, make sure to take some moisture-wicking apparel to help keep you cool.

  5. Comfortable shoes: If you're planning on seeing the sights while you're away for a couple days, make sure you're prepared with a good pair of comfortable shoes you can wear all day. For the outdoors, hiking boots may be your best choice, especially if you're spending some time on trails. A good pair of sneakers can keep you comfortable while you're walking the sidewalks all day or strolling through museums.

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