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5 Mother's Day Gifts for Active Moms


Your mom loves to get going. Running, biking, hiking: As long as she's active, she's happy. You want to give your mom a Mother's Day present that supports her active lifestyle, but what is the perfect gift to give her? You know your mom best, so think about what she likes to do, and then consider some of these suggestions to help get you on track.

Gifts for Active Moms:

  1. Make her daily workouts better. Working out a lot, especially every day, is hard on everything from shoes to water bottles. If you ask your mom, I'm sure she'd have a list of workout gear that needs to be replaced or something she's been wanting for a long time but has never bought for herself. Give her daily workouts a boost and surprise your mom with new running shoes, a activity tracker fitness band, a new yoga mat, or a water bottle with a built-in filter.

  2. Give her something new to try. One of the biggest keys to staying fit and keeping healthy is to mix up your exercise routine from time to time. Maybe your mom loves to go for her daily run, but that doesn't mean she won't love yoga or Zumba, too. Find out what she's interested in trying and sign her up for a class at the local gym for her Mother's Day gift, or pick up an exercise DVD she can try at home.

  3. Pick activities you can do together. You've figured out how she likes to work out and maybe even something new she'd love to try. But if there's one thing Mom loves, it's to spend time with her family. Find something active you can do together. Sign up the two of you up for a marathon and start training together. Buy her a new bike and make plans to go for a ride together. Whatever you decide to give her, your mom will love the fact that you're spending time with her.

  4. Play to her sense of adventure. She runs on her treadmill or goes to yoga class every day. That doesn't mean she's not itching to hit the great outdoors and try something new, however. If your mom loves adventure and seeking thrills, give her a Mother's Day gift that gets her adrenaline going. Camping gear and a plane ticket to a National Park would be perfect for the outdoorsy mom, as would surfing or paragliding lessons.

  5. Give her some time to relax. The healthiest way to stay fit is to remember that downtime is just as important as the time you spend working up a sweat. Between her active lifestyle, work, and spending time with her family, your mom could probably use a little time to herself. Help her relax with a spa gift basket or a gift certificate to a local spa. She'll appreciate the pampering, and it will help both her mental and physical health.

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Updated March 3, 2015