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How to Wash Pillows

How to Wash Pillows

No piece of bedding sees more use than your pillows. You rely on your pillow being comfortable and supportive to get a good night's sleep, and regularly washing your pillow is one of the best ways to refresh your bed. Follow these easy steps to get a clean, fluffy pillow that looks and smells great.

Check Pillow Care Labels

Check Pillow Care Labels

While pillowcases and pillow protectors reduce the need to constantly launder your pillowsyou should try to wash your pillows at least once every six months. If your pillows seem to get dirty quickly, then you can wash them as often as once a month. Consider rotating pillowcases often to keep your pillows as clean as possible.

Before following these catch-all instructions, remove your pillowcase and check your pillow’s care label to see if it requires special treatment when cleaning. Some care labels may list a recommended wash cycle or even suggest hand washing over machine washing. Be sure to follow the instructions that are specific to your pillow before following these regular steps.


Put Pillows in Your Washing Machine

Put Pillows in Your Washing Machine

Always try to wash two pillows at once to balance out your machine. Front-loading washers will give your pillows the most thorough cleaning because pillows are unable to float to the surface. For the best results, set your machine for a gentle cycle with warm water. Use a small amount of a low-sudsing detergent and an extra rinse cycle to make sure all soap residue is removed during the washing. Over washing can be hard on synthetic-fill pillows and reduce their life span. Try to wash pillows made from materials like polyester sparingly.


Dry Your Pillows

Dry Your Pillows

Remove your pillows from the washer as soon as the cycle ends to avoid mildewing and unpleasant odors. If your pillows are made from any kind of foam, skip the dryer and lay them flat to dry — direct sunlight helps, too. For cotton, synthetic, down, or feather pillows, put them in your dryer on a low heat cycle. Adding a handful of clean tennis balls will fluff your pillows while they dry and keep them from clumping. Repeat the cycle if your pillows don’t dry completely the first time.


Fluff and Cover

Fluff and Cover

Fluff your pillows thoroughly to make sure the fill is evenly distributed before placing them in clean pillowcases. Arrange them on your bed however you like and look forward to falling asleep surrounded by the smell of freshly laundered pillow.