Top 10 Christmas Presents for Dad

Whether he's the family tech guru or master of the barbecue, your dad deserves an awesome Christmas present this year. Let us help you navigate the shopping scene this holiday. Use these Christmas present ideas for Dad to get your gift-giving wheels turning.

What to Get Dad for Christmas

1. Board Games

If your dad enjoys a little friendly competition, then a new board game is a great gift that also encourages family time. Gift one of your favorites and teach him how to play or find a game you know he’ll love and learn it together. There are all kinds of options out there, from word games to classic strategy games that make for an exciting few hours around the table. Who knows, you might even play it at the family Christmas party.

2. Media Streaming Device

Bring Dad into the 21st century with the gift of instant entertainment. Media streaming sticks plug directly into the HDMI port on a TV and provide access to multiple streaming services. Your dad can play music, watch TV shows and movies, and get on-demand digital items with the push of a button. Don’t just tell him about that new show you think he’d like – wrap it up and put it under the tree.

3. Smart Watch

Scratch his tech itch with something useful and wearable. A smart watch will do more than keep your dad punctual. He’ll be able to check the weather, get sports scores, and send and receive text messages, all from his wrist! Make sure to go with a brand that’s compatible with his current smartphone so he can get the most out of his new tech.

4. Fashion Watch

If you’re dad’s a little old school, maybe he’ll appreciate a watch that’s less tech and more timepiece. An attractive watch is a great fashion accessory and it’s totally acceptable to own more than one. Get to know your dad’s style to decide on a watch design and material that he’ll love to show off.

5. Tablet

Tablets have gotten to be extremely affordable and are convenient alternatives to having to sit down at a desktop or laptop computer. They also make great gifts. Give Dad a tablet this year and he’ll be able to surf the internet, watch movies and TV, and stay organized wherever he goes. If he already has a tablet, consider getting him a nice case and a screen protector to keep it in good shape for a long time.

6. Coffee Maker

For the dad who loves waking up with a nice roasted brew, a new coffee maker is a gift that he’s sure to appreciate. Whether it’s a standard drip, single-serve, or pour-over coffee maker, the convenience of a home brew machine is something he’ll love. Wrap up a bag of his favorite roast alongside it for an extra, personal touch.

7. Outdoor Grill

It’s a bit of a tradition in many homes for Dad to be the official grill master. Help him up his grill game with a new outdoor grill or smoker. Everything tastes better when it’s cooked over an open flame. Whether he prefers a charcoal or gas set up, Christmas is a great time to get those cooking flames fired up again.

8. Drone

Christmas presents don’t always have to be useful or thoughtful — sometimes they can just be a good time. A drone is something new your dad probably hasn’t tried out yet, but remote control flight just sounds too fun to pass up. Drone aviation is a growing hobby, and anyone can participate. Maybe just stick to a more entry-level model his first time around, at least until he gets down the basics.

9. Wallet

Repeated daily use can be tough on a wallet, and here’s a little secret — they don’t last forever. However, replacing a wallet just isn’t a priority for most guys, especially those busy with work or family. That’s what makes a new wallet such an appreciated gift. Chances are, he needed a new one and you just saved him from having to do it himself. Shop genuine leather for a wallet that will last longer than average.

10. Noise-Canceling Headphones

No matter his age, you can be sure that there’s one thing every dad values — a little peace and quiet. A comfortable pair of noise-canceling headphones will help him focus while he’s working and enjoy great audio while he listens to music or podcasts. They’re perfect for traveling, too. Give him a break from all the noise with a solid set of headphones that are built to last.

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