How To Clean A Ceiling Fan

How To Clean A Ceiling Fan

how to clean a ceiling fan

Ceiling fans are an energy-efficient way to circulate air and keep your home at a comfortable temperature. But when you don’t use the fan for a few days, dust starts to settle on top of the blades. Regular cleaning keeps the blades dust-free, keeping the particles and mites out of the air and away from your lungs.


Dust Your Ceiling Fan Every Week

When you’re using a ceiling fan on a regular basis, cleaning is fast and easy. Aim to dust once every week or once every five days if you have an exceptionally dusty home. Set a ladder under the fan and run a duster over the surface of the blades and fan body. If you don’t have a ladder, you can use a duster with an extendable handle to reach the blades.


Use Pillowcases to Remove Accumulated Dust

If your fan has been sitting unused for weeks or months, there’s probably a significant layer of dust on top of the blades. In this case, set the duster aside and reach for an old pillowcase. Set a tall ladder under the fan and climb until you can reach the center of the fan. Carefully slide the pillowcase over one of the blades, making sure not to touch the top surface. When the pillowcase completely covers the blade, set it down and pull it toward you. The fabric will remove the dust, and the pillowcase will catch it. Repeat with every blade.


Wash Away Dust and Grease

Are your fan blades still dirty? Cover the furniture and floors underneath the blades and wipe down the blades with a wet cloth. Make sure to cover the top, bottom, and sides; while you’re at it, clean the central motor cover. If necessary, use a gentle cleaning solution or disinfectant wipes to release stubborn buildup. For kitchen fans, which are prone to grease accumulation, you can spray on a degreasing cleaner and wipe the blades again.


Reduce Future Buildup with a Dusting Spray

Keep dust away from your ceiling fan with a simple dusting spray. Any standard spray is fine, as long as it’s safe for the blade material. If you’re not sure, test the product first on an inconspicuous spot. Apply a coat to each blade to reduce buildup.


Clean Ceiling Fan Shades Twice a Year

The glass light shades on a ceiling fan are also prone to dust and the occasional dead bug. Once or twice a year, or any time you notice that the light is dimmer than usual, remove the shades. Wash the shades with dish detergent and allow them to dry completely.


Clean the Ceiling Fan Motor Once a Year

Cleaning a motor sounds daunting, but it’s an easy process. First, find and remove the panel that exposes the motor. You may need a screwdriver to release it. Then, use a can of compressed air to spray the exposed surfaces, paying special attention to dirty areas. Replace the panel and wipe down the housing.

If your ceiling fan is past the point of repair or you’re looking to add even more fixtures to your home, check out our guide on How to Choose a Ceiling Fan to help you find stylish, long-lasting lighting.