Top 10 Christmas Gift Ideas for Grandpa

Grandpa might seem like he already has everything he needs, but you can still give a thoughtful gift he'll appreciate this Christmas. Check out these Christmas gift ideas for Grandpa to find the perfect present for him this holiday season.

What to Get Grandpa for Christmas:

1. Board Games

A new board game can be fun for everyone and is a great excuse to spend some quality time with your grandpa. Whether it’s a new game for both of you or one you can introduce him to, sitting down for some friendly competition is a perfect way to get a conversation going. No matter who comes in first place, everybody wins.

2. Media Streaming Device

Show grandpa the new and easy way to watch all his favorite movies and shows. A media streaming stick or box will give him access to popular streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. He’ll be amazed by the sheer number of titles immediately available. This is a great gift if your grandpa loves movies or isn’t able to get out much.

3. Fitness Tracker

If your grandpa likes to stay active and moving, a fitness tracker is a great way for him to be aware of his activity level and stay motivated. A fitness watch or wristband will monitor interesting statistics like steps taken, heart rate, calories burned, and even sleep quality. Show Grandpa you care about his health with this useful gift.

4. Fashion Watch

Before cell phones were common and pocket-sized, a lot more people wore wristwatches to stay punctual. Chances are your grandpa has gone through quite a few himself. Surprise him with a classic and handsome watch that captures the style he’s familiar with. Aviator watches with leather wristbands and gold-colored watches are two great options that are right on trend.

5. Tablet

A tablet is a perfect gift for Grandpa. Bigger and easier to use than a smartphone, a tablet still has access to the most useful and convenient apps. Your grandpa will be able to listen to music or audio books, video chat with friends and family, and play entertaining games. Staying connected with Gramps will be even easier when you get him a tablet for Christmas.

6. Coffee Maker

Some people can’t live without their morning cup of joe, or even coffee throughout the day. If your grandpa loves his coffee too, then consider buying him a new coffee maker. Today’s models have convenient features that will make brewing a steaming cup easier than ever. Including a bag of your favorite roast will give you one more interest to bond over.

7. Tumbler or Mug

This can be a side gift with a coffee maker or a standalone present. Get Grandpa a unique mug that will always remind him of you. If he isn’t into coffee, then a personalized tumbler or glass for his favorite adult beverage could be an appropriate substitution. A special glass with his name, initials, or the logo of his favorite brew makes for a unique gift he won’t forget.

8. Framed Picture

Some of a grandparent’s favorite possessions are memories of his kids and grandkids. Give him a memory that’s special to you with the gift of a framed picture. The picture can be of your family or something that you know will mean something to him. Put it in a gorgeous frame that will protect it and serve as an attractive display.

9. Wallet

Daily wear and tear can quickly deteriorate a wallet, so unless your grandpa’s bought a new one recently, chances are his current billfold has seen better days. When shopping for Grandpa’s new wallet, look for genuine leather — nothing matches the feel, smell, and durability of the real deal. You’ll also want to make sure that it has plenty of space for his cards and cash.

10. Smart Home Assistant

Give Grandpa the gift of easy-to-use technology with a smart home assistant. Smart assistants, such as Google Home, respond to voice commands and questions, help you stay organized, and double as Bluetooth speakers. These new and exciting gadgets can even interact with other compatible smart devices in your home. Keep your grandpa up to date with the latest tech this holiday season when you get him a smart home assistant.

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