Satin Sheets vs. Cotton Sheets
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Satin Sheets vs. Cotton Sheets

Your sheets can have a distinct impact on the way you sleep. Satin sheets offer a silky feel and can help keep you cool, while traditional cotton sheets are highly durable and come in a variety of prints. If you're stuck debating which type of sheets to buy, look no further. This guide will help break it down by looking at the pros and cons of both satin and cotton sheets.

Two beds, one has purple satin sheets and the other has white cotton sheets

Size Matters

When buying new sheets, the first thing to consider is your bed size. If you have a hard-to-fit mattress, like a twin XL or California king, you'll have a much easier time outfitting your bed with cotton sheets. While harder to find, satin sheets do occasionally come in specialty sizes if you don't mind hunting around a little bit.


Feel It Out

Satin sheets have a silky feeling that is cool to the touch, while cotton sheets are often heavier and coarser. Like luxury silk sheets, satin has a tendency to feel smooth from the minute you put them on the bed. Fine cotton sheets will take a little more effort to break in, but can get cozier after each wash. Cotton is also better for creating warmth. Many people prefer cool satin sheets in the summer and cotton in winter.


Take Your Style into Account

Satin sheets often fit a very specific decorating style and are not suitable for all bedrooms. Cotton sheets are more versatile and can be found in a number of colors, patterns, and thicknesses. If you're hoping for a romantic vibe in the bedroom, satin sheets are probably your best choice. If you want more variety or need specific sheets, you may want to stick with cotton.


Consider Cost

Made from a mixture of polyester and silk, quality satin bedding often has a higher price tag than lower-quality cotton sheets. However, luxury cotton bedding can often be expensive as well if you choose a high thread count. Cotton has the widest price range because it has a bigger thread-count variety, so take a look at your budget before choosing which type of sheets you want to adorn your bed.

by Oliva Collins Bedding Specialist
NOVEMBER 18, 2016

Like many, Olivia loves snuggling into a cozy set of sheets at the end of the day. She hopes this handy guide will help you find the perfect sheets. Olivia lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband and two dogs.