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Playroom Ideas

June 09, 2016
by Katie Dudley
Home Decor Specialist

Create a special place for your child to play, explore, learn and most of all have fun. If you don’t have an extra room in your home to devote to a full-time playroom, there are plenty of other options to create an imagination-worthy play area.

Kids' Playroom Design Ideas

Playtime is essential to the development of your growing child. Play is how they learn, experiment, and observe the world. Creating a space that encourages unstructured, imaginative play where creative messes are allowed will help foster creative confidence in your child. In this guide I will go over the items you will need to create a playroom that is fun, inviting, and educational.

Create the Space

Children's playroom accessories
Children's playroom accessories

Create the Space Essentials

Colorful children's rug

Play Rug

Rugs come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Find a rug that brings in a fun and playful element. If you want to teach your child about colors or the alphabet, you can easily find a rug to help.

Pair of children's chairs


Whether it’s a beanbag, rocking chair, recliner, or couch, look for comfortable seating to create a pleasant environment for playtime, reading, and cuddles.

Children painting

Wall Display

Honor your child’s creativity by displaying their artwork on your walls. You can exhibit their work by compiling a collage on a corkboard or magnet board, or by putting their art in frames to create a wall gallery.

Playroom storage unit

Toy Storage

The right storage for toys and books will help keep your playroom clean. Having a place for everything will also help you teach your child about putting toys away. There are a variety of storage options to choose from including toy boxes, bins, organizers, shelves, and bookcases. It all depends on what will work best for your needs.

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Art Station

Children's art station

Art Station Essentials

Assortment of art supplies

Art Supplies

Purchase a variety of art supplies that are appropriate for your child’s age. This could include paper, crayons, playdough, tape, glue, and stickers. Teach your child how to take care of their supplies, including how to clean them up and put them away.

Children's craft table

Craft Table

When you have a dedicated activity or craft table for your child, you don’t have to immediately clean up after creative play. Allow your child to leave their projects out so they can come back to them at a later time. Be sure to choose a table set that will accommodate your child’s size.

Easel with children's art

Art Easel

An art easel allows for convenient creativity. The paint is stored in the easel, smocks are hung on the side, and paper is clipped on the board beforehand. Simply hand over the paint and paintbrushes to watch the inspiration unfold.

Art supply organization


Keeping your art supplies organized will allow your child to access their medium quickly when the creative moment strikes. Use containers or storage boxes in varying sizes to house your supplies and to keep items from becoming misplaced. You and your child will appreciate what a difference easy organization can make!

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Reading Nook

Children's reading nook accessories
Children's reading nook accessories

Reading Nook Essentials

Children's book

Children's Library

Keep a collection of books, magazines, and even toy catalogs you get in the mail. Fill your child’s library with subjects they are most exited about. Regularly rotate books to encourage your child to try new stories.

Child playing with educaional toy

Educational Toys

The reading nook can also be a great place for the use of educational toys. Educational toys and games are a fantastic way to make learning fun. Choose toys that will best fit your child’s age and areas of need. For example, a toddler would enjoy a shape sorter, while an older child may enjoy doing puzzles.

Child reading book on floor pillow

Floor Pillows & Throws

Designating a reading space with cozy floor pillows and throws can help your child wind down from other distractions. It also creates an inviting space where they will actually want to take time to read and explore their books.

Children's bookshelf with accessories


When looking for a bookshelf, be sure to find one with low-to-the-ground storage. This way your child can easily reach their favorite books.

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Imagination Station

Children playing dress up in playroom

Imagination Station Essentials

Child playing dress up

Dress Up

Dress up is an important type of pretending. Costumes help your child to dive into the world of imagination and explore a new identity. Today your child will be a pirate, tomorrow a nurse, the next day a superhero.

Children's playhouse


A playhouse or fort gives your child a private place to read, play, eat, and have fun. It can open the door to an assortment of imagination-based activities. The playhouse can transform to be a classroom, grocery store, a fire station, or their very own home.

Children's pretend play set

Pretend Play

Offering pretend play items such as a play kitchen, doctor set, supermarket set, or train set will open up the creativity in your child’s mind. It gives them the opportunity to explore and create their own imaginary world.

Child playing with puppets


Learning through play is fundamental to your child’s emotional education. Puppets come to life as characters with different personalities and emotions. Puppets can also help with your child’s fine motor skills as they learn to control the puppet.

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Katie Dudley
by Katie Dudley
Home Decor Specialist

Katie is a mother of three children. She’s learned through personal experience that children need a creative space to learn, develop and grow. She’s also learned that it’s just as important for adults to enjoy that creative freedom every now and then!