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Newborn Baby Essentials

MAY 24, 2016
by Katie Dudley
Baby Gear Specialist

Bringing home baby is a major life event. We are here to help you celebrate this beautiful time in your life whether you are looking for the perfect gift or buying for yourself. This guide will go over the ultimate baby essentials to ensure bringing home baby is worry-free.

Bringing Home Baby

Congratulations, you are having your first baby! It's no secret that the arrival of your new little one can feel a bit daunting, especially when it comes to knowing which items you'll need to purchase. Take comfort — we've created the ultimate baby essentials guide just for you. In this guide we will go over basic must-have items such as baby bedroom essentials, clothing, feeding necessities and traveling gear to be sure bringing home baby is worry-free.

Baby Nursery

Baby nursery with green and blue bedding. Also, a collage of products: grey baby glider chair, dark wood changing table, and a video baby monitor
Baby nursery with green and blue bedding. Also, a collage of products: grey baby glider chair, dark wood changing table, and a video baby monitor

Baby Nursery Essentials

Modern grey baby crib


Your newborn will need a safe place to sleep. You can choose a baby crib, cradle or bassinet for the newborn stage. Choose a high quality crib mattress and make sure that your crib meets certified safety standards.

Grey changing table with white storage baskets on bottom

Changing Table

A changing table can perform double duty as both changing station and storage. You will want items such as diapers, wipes and freshly-cleaned clothes within arm's reach.

Grey glider chair with white piping around the seems


Rocking chairs have been a nursery necessity for decades because babies and parents find the back and forth motion to be soothing and sleep-inducing. Choose a chair that will provide a comfortable place to feed and cuddle your child.

Baby video monitor

Baby Monitor

A baby monitor puts your mind at ease when you have to be out of range and can't hear your baby's cries. There is a wide variety of monitors, from a basic audio handset, to monitors with live video feeds and wi-fi connectivity. No matter what solution you choose, it will bring you a sense of comfort to know you can always keep your baby within range.

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Baby Bedding

Two baby nursery's. One with a grey crib and blue bedding, the other with a white crib and blue bedding

Baby Bedding Essentials

Close up of baby sheets, one is grey and white chevron, the other is blue and white chevron

Fitted Crib Sheets

A fitted crib sheet has elastic around the corner edges to secure the sheet to the crib mattress. Keep a minimum of two fitted crib sheets so you always have a clean spare ready to go. Use cotton fiber in the warmer months and flannel in the cooler months.

Close up of a baby mattress with water droplets on it

Waterproof Sheets

Using a protective waterproof sheet under your fitted crib sheet will extend the life of your mattress. Between spit up and diaper accidents this is a must-have newborn bedding essential.

Three baby sleep sacks, one is blue, the other is pink, and the last one is yellow

Sleep Sack

Keep your little one safe and snug in a sleep sack. Sleep sacks are wearable blankets that replace loose blankets in the crib. Unlike a blanket, the sleep sack can't be kicked off which helps to keep your baby warm throughout the night.

Baby blanket with grey and light blue triangles on it

Receiving Blanket

Receiving blankets are the perfect size for swaddling your newborn. They also come in handy when you are in a pinch and need a temporary changing mat, burp cloth, or nursing cover.

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Baby Clothing

Stack of folded baby clothes

Baby Clothing Essentials

Baby pants with knee patches on them and stars

Baby Pants

Separates allow you to change one piece of dirty clothing without putting together a whole new outfit. Depending on the weather, you will want a handful of baby pants, shorts, or leggings. Look for stretchy waistbands and items made from breathable materials, like cotton.

Set of three baby onesies

Baby Onesies

Onesies are a must-have wardrobe staple. When buying onesies, look for brands that offer a wide neck opening, slits or buttons around the neck. This will make dressing your baby much easier.

Two blue baby sleepers

Baby Sleepwear

When picking pajamas for a newborn, you want to think about comfort, safety, and accessibility for changing diapers in the middle of the night. We recommend a layette gown that has mitten cuffs to keep baby's fingernails tucked away and a gown-like bottom for easy diaper changing.

Three baby hand covers so they don't scratch their face

Baby Accessories

Newborn hats, booties, socks, and mittens are all great accessories to have on hand. A baby can lose large amounts of heat through her head and feet. Keep your little one warm with a hat, booties, or socks. Keep scratches off baby's face with newborn hand mittens.

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Bottle Feeding

Baby bottle filled with milk, and a baby drinking a bottle

Bottle Feeding Essentials

Set of baby bottles, and a baby bottle cleaner

Baby Bottles

Whether you decide to bottle feed with breast milk or use formula, baby bottles are a must-have item. It's a good idea to purchase small four-ounce bottles for a newborn and transition to larger nine-ounce bottles when baby's appetite grows.

Set of four printed burp cloths

Burp Cloths

Burp cloths may be small, but they are a big help. Not only do these tiny absorbent cloths keep spit-up off your shoulder, they also work well at cleaning up all kinds of messes from baby. You'll want at least a dozen.

Nursing pillow with polka dots on it

Nursing Pillow

Believe it or not, feeding a baby can be strenuous. Using a nursing pillow to prop up your baby while feeding can help ease the strain on your muscles. Holding your baby at a 45-degree angle during feedings will also help her swallow less air, minimizing uncomfortable air bubbles and gas.

Breast pump and machine

Breast Pump

Even if your plan is to breastfeed exclusively, you may find that letting other family members feed your baby a bottle of pumped breast milk is a win-win. An electric pump is a popular choice for moms who are frequently away from their babies and can't nurse regularly. A manual pump is best for short-term separations.

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On The Go

Infant sitting in baby car seat looking at mobile hanging from the handle. Also, a collage of a stroller, diaper bag, and car seat
Infant sitting in baby car seat looking at mobile hanging from the handle. Also, a collage of a stroller, diaper bag, and car seat

On The Go Essentials

Black and grey baby car seat

Infant Car Seat

If you plan to put your baby in any kind of motorized vehicle, you will need to purchase an infant car seat. These car seats are a smart choice because they have detachable bases that stay in the car, allowing them to be clicked in or out as needed. This gives you the freedom to remove the carrier to keep baby safely restrained or to keep baby fast asleep.

Black and blue diaper bag with blue changing mat

Diaper Bag

Diaper changes away from home can be tricky. A great bag will make things easier by assuring you have everything you need in one place. When searching for a diaper bag, consider a bag with organization compartments; this makes items easy to find and access.

Blue, grey, and black baby stroller


A baby stroller is a must-have item for most parents. You'll need this piece of gear for the first few years of your child's life. A stroller travel system allows you to attach the infant car seat to the stroller. Even when baby outgrows the car seat, you can still use the stroller.

Gray baby carrier

Baby Carrier

As life gets busy and your "to do" list grows, you won't have to give up the bliss of keeping baby close. Accomplish tasks and enjoy baby's companionship by "wearing" her in a carrier or wrap. Wearing your baby can help strengthen the parent-child bond.

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Kate Dudley
by Kate Dudley
Baby Gear Specialist

Katie is a mother of three and vividly remembers those blissful yet sleepless newborn days. She now gets a full eight hours of sleep at night and spends her days shuffling kids to and from lessons, games, and play dates.