How to Pick the Right Fill for Down Comforters

How to Pick the Right Fill for Down Comforters
Depending on the fill, a down comforter can function as a cold weather staple or a comfortable lightweight cover. Fill refers to the different grade of goose down feather used in down bedding. The higher the fill number, the larger the down clusters and warmth factor. There are several factors to be considered when choosing a down comforter, so keep reading for some useful tips on how to pick the right fill for down comforters.

How to Pick the Right Fill for Down Comforters

Down Comforter Fill Power:

Think about Your Sleep Temperature

To find a down comforter that fits your lifestyle, first consider what temperature you prefer to sleep in. If you keep your bedroom hot or tend to get overheated at night, choose a low fill number that is between 600 and 700. For those who like to keep their sleeping area cool or frequently get cold at night, aim for a high fill power that is 800 or above to keep you warm and cozy all night.

Consider Comfort Level

Some people enjoy wrapping up in a puffy down comforter, while others feel suffocated if their down bedding is too heavy. Since the fill power refers to how much down is in a comforter, a down comforter with a lower fill power rating will be lightweight but still keep you warm. If the goose down filling still feels too heavy, you may want to take a look at down alternative comforters. For a fluffier comforter, choose a high down comforter fill power. If you choose to go this route, make sure your down comforter is constructed with baffle box stitching. This will help keep the down in place no matter how oversized it is.

Look at Environmental Impacts

If you’re focused on creating a green household, down comforters can help lower your heating bill — saving you money and helping the environment. Down traps heat superbly, which means you can turn your heat off and let your down comforter keep you cozy. For cold winter months, try layering a thicker down comforter with a lightweight one. This will ensure that you stay warm without too much added weight.

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