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How to Increase Comfort with Clearance Blankets

by Angela Tague


The very best blankets will keep you comfortable and warm, both in the bedroom and beyond. Even better, when they're offered on sale at clearance prices, they become an affordable luxury. Stock up on clearance blankets for home use, for outings with children, and for winter car emergencies. Here's how to increase comfort with clearance blankets.

Comfort with Clearance Blankets:

  1. Keep safe: Create a winter safety kit for your car. Pack large blankets to use for warmth in case you are stranded inside your vehicle with minimal fuel for heat. Wrapping yourself in warm blankets will help retain body heat, keeping your core body temperature elevated. Also, pack a first-aid kit, flashlight, bottle of water, and a small snow shovel; include packages of nonperishable snack foods, such as granola bars, nuts, and canned fruit with pull-top lids.

  2. Use them year-round: Use the blankets from the car kit year-round for various events. Warm lap blankets are appreciated during chilly evening football games with the kids. A king-size blanket makes a clean, comfortable surface for a family summer picnic.

  3. Stay tidy: Bedding isn't just for humans. Keep pet areas tidy with clearance blankets. Drape one over the back seat of the car when you're transporting family pets. Cover a favorite chair or spare bed in the home with a clearance blanket for the family cat or dog. Blankets guard furniture against pet hair, muddy footprints, and saliva while providing a soft area for pets to lie.

  4. Kennel them: Put clearance blankets in a dog kennel. Keep a new puppy warm with extra padding from blankets placed in his kennel. Blankets are easier to wash than crate pads, and they are available in a variety of colors and patterns to give the kennel character.

  5. Add color and comfort: Fold extra blankets at the foot of beds in your home. Decorating with blankets is an easy way to add color to your bedroom and create extra comfort on cold evenings. Stock your guest bedroom with a stack of clearance blankets to keep visitors cozy and ensure that they never get cold.

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