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How to Convert a Clip Earring

by Mary Beth Magee


Things You Need:

  • Clip earring
  • Jewelry pliers or snips
  • Fine grit sand paper
  • Soft cloth
  • Soapy water
  • Jewelry parts
  • Jewelers' or craft glue
  • Rubber jar-opener
  • Jewelry S-hooks

Whether you have a set of clip earrings that you want to convert into earrings for your pierced ears or you want to preserve and enjoy a piece of antique heirloom jewelry by changing it into a necklace pendant, you can convert your clip earrings simply and easily with a few jewelry and beading supplies. Before you dispose of that single fashion earring, consider how it can continue to enhance your wardrobe with a few simple adjustments.

Remove the Clip:

  1. No matter what you want to convert your old clip earring into, you'll need to start by removing the clip.

  2. Remove the clip from the earring, using pliers or snips.

  3. Smooth any rough edges left behind using a fine grit sand paper.

  4. Clean the back of the earring with a soft cloth, warm water, and mild soap.

  5. Dry the jewelry thoroughly.

Repurpose Clip-on Earrings:

  1. Pierced earrings: If you want earrings for pierced ears, attach ear wires, posts, or hoops. You can use permanent jewelers' or crafting glue to attach the findings. For post earrings, attach the posts to the center of the earring back, and for dangly earrings, attach the finding above the center of gravity. Heavy earrings may be top-heavy if the findings are centered. Position the finding near the top edge if possible when working with heavier earrings.

  2. Pins: You can make a pin out of an old clip earring using a pin finding or tie-tack hardware. Glue the hardware to the center of the back of the earring. Larger earrings may require two tie-tack sets or a longer pin base to hang properly.

  3. Pendants: Make a pendant by attaching a bail to the top of the earring. Use glue or S-hooks to attach the bail. Jewelry-quality S-hooks can add length where needed, as well as provide a means of connection.

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