How To Clean Polyester Curtains

How To Clean Polyester Curtains

Polyester curtains are easy and inexpensive to maintain. Regular cleaning eliminates dust, stains, and other particles, refreshing the curtains and your environment at the same time. Always check the label for product-specific care instructions; if you can’t find them, read on to discover a cleaning method that’s safe for most polyester curtains.


Vacuum Polyester Curtains Every Two Weeks

Regular vacuuming is the best thing you can do to keep polyester curtains looking and smelling fresh. Attach an extension wand and a drapery attachment to your vacuum and clean both sides of each panel. Since dust can collect in the top gathers, it’s helpful to pull the panel flat. When the weather is clear, you can shake the curtains outdoors and leave them to air out in the sunshine.


Wash Polyester Curtains Once Every Season

As your family handles your curtains, they naturally start to show dirt and stains. Every few months, machine-wash the panels in cold water on a gentle cycle. Use a mild laundry soap that’s free of brightening ingredients or bleach, which can affect the color of polyester fabric. For delicate or embellished panels, hand-washing is a safer alternative. If indicated on the tag, tumble-dry on low heat. Otherwise, hang your curtains to dry.


Gently Remove Stains With Spot Treatment

If you notice set-in stains that don’t come out in the wash, turn to a gentle stain-remover solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Test the product on the back of the rod pocket to ensure that it’s safe for the fabric. Then, apply the stain remover onto the stain as directed by the manufacturer. Rinse and allow the curtains to dry.


De-Wrinkle Polyester Curtains with a Handheld Steamer

After washing, polyester curtains often look wrinkled. Refresh them in minutes using a handheld steamer or a garment steamer with a wand. Choose a low heat setting to start and run the steamer slowly over the surface of the curtains while they’re hanging. If the wrinkles remain, increase the temperature slightly and try again.


You can also use a steam iron for this process; if you do, lay the curtains flat on an ironing board to reduce your risk of hot-water burns.

Polyester curtains are both beautiful and durable, making them a practical addition to a busy household. This synthetic material is often made to resemble high-end fabrics such as linen or silk at a fraction of the cost. For a full comparison, check out our guide to the Best Fabric for Curtains.