How to Clean a Suede Sofa

How to Clean a Suede Sofa

A genuine suede sofa brings an understated elegance to your home, elevating any space with its supple texture and ultra-soft surface. Though it looks durable, 100-percent suede is a surprisingly delicate material. Careful cleaning can help you extend the lifetime of this investment piece, ensuring that it retains its timeless style for years to come.


Vacuum and Brush Your Suede Sofa Every Week

Chances are, your suede sofa is the heart of your living space. Once a week, take a few minutes to run a suede brush gently over the surface of the furniture, making sure to move in different directions. The wire bristles lift crushed fibers and release dirt that’s trapped inside. After you brush, run a vacuum lightly over the sofa and under the cushions.


Spot-Test Suede Cleaning Products

Since suede is a natural material, each sofa can react differently to various cleaning products. A quick spot test can prepare you to deal with stains efficiently in the future. To start, buy the products that are recommended by the manufacturer. If you prefer a natural cleaner, white vinegar is a gentle alternative. Test each of your products on a hidden spot of your sofa to ensure that they don’t discolor or damage the nap.


Soak Up Spills Right Away

The best way to prevent stains on your suede sofa is to soak up spills as soon as they happen. It’s best to avoid scrubbing or wiping, as doing so can actually help the liquid penetrate deeper. A better option is to lay a paper towel or a clean microfiber cloth over the area to soak up the moisture. Repeat this step until your cloth no longer picks up liquid.


Apply a Suede-Safe Cleaning Product to Spills and Stains

Once the excess liquid is removed from your sofa, it’s time to clean the area. Apply a specialty suede cleaner to the stain and blot it gently with a clean cloth. Let the area dry completely and use a suede brush to restore the nap.


Use a Suede Brush or a Suede Eraser to Remove Dry Spills

Have you discovered a dried spill on your suede sofa? Use your suede brush to loosen the particles and clean up any excess debris with a vacuum. If the material looks discolored, break out your stain cleaner and follow the method above. For challenging stains, like red wine or coffee, a standard suede brush might not be tough enough for removal. When this happens, order a suede eraser. All you need to do is rub the block over the stain and watch as it disappears.


Restore the Luster of Suede with a Crepe Brush

As you sit and lounge on your suede sofa, the fibers naturally begin to flatten. A crepe brush, which features unique rubbery bristles, can help. Move the brush lightly over the upholstery in different directions and watch as the luster returns. Crepe brushes can also help with dry stains.

Protect your suede sofa by learning How to Choose a Durable Slipcover. If you’re due for a living room refresh or you’re not sure if suede is the right sofa material for your household, check out our Sofa Buying Guide for all you should consider.