How To Clean A Suede Chair

How To Clean A Suede Chair

With its soft, supple surface, a suede chair is a luxe investment piece. Maintaining your chair’s signature style and color takes a bit of work; genuine suede is delicate and water-averse. Done properly, regular cleaning can keep the velvety upholstery looking like new.


Disclaimer: Always check your product manufacturer’s instructions before following our tips.


Brush and Vacuum Your Suede Chair

Proactive cleaning is one of the easiest ways to maintain a suede chair.

  1. Once a week, brush the upholstery with a suede brush to release debris that has settled into the fibers.
  2. Then, put an upholstery brush on your vacuum and run it lightly over the surface. When brushing and vacuuming, use short, crisscross motions.
  3. Switch to a crevice attachment and clean out the seams and cracks. This process helps remove dirt before it has a chance to discolor the suede.

Brush Away Stains

Any time you see a stain on your suede chair, reach for a suede brush. Move the bristles over the dirty spot in short, crissscross strokes. If that doesn’t work, try a crepe rubber brush. An alternative is a suede eraser; simply rub the stain with the block. It’s always a good idea to try these dry methods before moving onto liquid cleansers.


Remove Stains with Suede Cleaner

If you’re working with a challenging stain, buy a cleaner that’s designed specifically for suede. Your chair manual may offer recommendations.

  1. Test the cleaner on a small, hidden patch of upholstery to make sure it doesn’t affect the color or the nap.
  2. If it’s safe, apply it to the stain as directed on the packaging.
  3. Soak up the excess with a clean, dry cloth and allow the suede to dry.

Consider Natural Suede-Cleaning Alternatives

If you want to try a natural method, reach for white vinegar or isopropyl alcohol and a white cloth that won’t transfer color. Test the substance first to make sure it’s safe for your suede upholstery. Then, dampen the cloth and dab at the stain. If the suede gets too saturated, blot it with the cloth. After the fabric dries, run your suede brush over the area to revive the fibers.

With step-by-step suede-cleaning instructions, you can safely restore your suede chair. But if you’re looking to replace your piece, check out How to Choose an Accent Chair to consider alternative materials and other spend factors.