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Best Books to Give for Mother's Day


If your mom (or the mom you're shopping for) loves to read, then she'll love getting a new book for Mother's Day. If you're not sure which book will be the perfect gift for her, try one of these. A literary Mother's Day gift (plus a little peace and quiet to enjoy it) is sure to make her day.

Mother's Day Book Gifts:

  1. Books that give her a sweet escape: If your mom could use a way to relax and let her mind go somewhere fantastic, she needs fiction. Funny, female-centric novels (with a bit of romance) by Sophie Kinsella, Helen Fielding, Janet Evanovich, and Meg Cabot are the best books for moms who need to get away from reality for a little while. If you're not sure which writer she likes, check out her bookshelf and fill in her collection with a title she doesn't have yet.

  2. Books that give her DIY inspiration: Crafty moms love to get new ideas for projects, and there are plenty of books out there to get her started. Depending on what her hobbies are, look for gardening books, craft books, decorating books, or cookbooks. Wrapping up one of these with a few of the supplies that go with it will make this an extra special gift.

  3. Books to make her laugh:If your mom could use a good laugh, look for books of humorous essays by her favorite women. Tina Fey, Nora Ephron, Ellen DeGeneres, and Chelsea Handler have written about the funny side of being female. If you know your mom's sense of humor, you can choose the book that she'll get a kick out of.

  4. Books to share with kids: If you're shopping for a mom who still has little ones, look for children's books about moms that she can read with them. Kids learn so much from the books they read with their parents, and they can learn a little more appreciation for their moms from stories about Mother's Day or about loving family relationships.

  5. Books to soothe her soul: If she has seemed a little stressed out lately, Mom may appreciate something inspirational. From self-help books to religion books, there's something out there to help her find a little peace of mind. She may also like a journal she can write her thoughts in; many people find this to be very relaxing.

  6. Books for the serious reader: Moms who take literature seriously will appreciate thoughtful novels by women. Books by Margaret Atwood, Alice Walker, Sylvia Plath, Toni Morrison, and Virginia Woolf look at the more serious side of women's lives, something a mom who loves literature will appreciate.

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Updated March 2, 2015