3 Quick Tips for Better Sleep
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3 Quick Tips for Better Sleep

When we get quality sleep, we have more energy to function our best in our day-to-day lives. But if you’re like me, sometimes it’s a struggle to get the kind of rest you need. These quick tips have helped me enjoy deeper, better sleep, which means I wake up refreshed and ready to go.

Picture of a woman sleeping peacfully in her bed.

Be Consistent in Your Sleep Patterns

After a serious bout of jet lag, I have a better appreciation for consistent sleep patterns. If you’re having trouble sleeping like I did, sticking to the same sleep-wake schedule can help. You’ll enjoy deeper, more satisfying sleep and feel more refreshed and energized when awake. And when you’re dragging at 3 p.m., nix the nap and instead take a quick walk to fight off afternoon sluggishness.


Be Kind…Unwind Your Mind

My brain is usually racing during the day with tasks, concerns, and an ongoing mental to-do list. But just because my body is exhausted at night, it doesn’t mean my mind is ready to call it a day. If this sounds familiar, a routine for relaxation will help you let go of worries. Take a walk, practice yoga, soak in a bubble bath, read something inspiring, or enjoy aromatherapy to help your body and brain get some much needed rest.


Believe in the Power of a Pillow

When your pillow suits your sleeping style, it can greatly improve the quality of your sleep. Once when traveling, I couldn’t believe how much better I was sleeping at night, and the answer was in the pillows. I had always purchased the same type of pillow for my husband and me -- but not after that trip. My husband now uses a firmer pillow that accommodates back sleepers, while I sleep on my side, nestled in my feather and down heaven. For help finding the perfect pillow for you, see our guide Best Pillows for Every Kind of Sleep.

by Cindy Bouwhuis Home Specialist
NOVEMBER 9, 2016

Cindy appreciates a comfortable and satisfying night's sleep to sustain her busy lifestyle. Cindy also enjoys spending time with her family, entertaining friends, decorating her new home, and baking treats to enjoy and share.